September is finally here! I met up with Doc and we drove to Curtis Switch, arriving at about 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Two guys were getting out of the river when we arrived, and their report was discouraging. One guy was a professional bamboo rod maker from Portland, Oregon. Super nice guys, and beautiful bamboo fly-rods. We put in at the launch and started wading downstream. I started with a size 12 wolf and a size 20 zebra midge dropper. Doc went with a similar rig. We both caught stream chubs at the outset, which is usually a bad sign. After about 30 minutes, I caught a nice 12 inch brown. We worked on down river, and I caught another. The fishing was a little slow at the beginning, when Doc suddenly caught fire, catching a good mix of browns and bows. I ended up with 10-12 trout, all browns. Doc caught somewhere between 12-15, with the majority being browns. This was our best trip in a long time. Doc had luck with a large caddis and a small cream emerger dropper. I caught fish primarily on size 20 and 22 midges. The Toccoa has made a remarkable comeback.