The three of us met at EZ's house downtown and embarked on a 3 hour trip to Highway 28 at the Georgia and South Carolina state line: the Chattooga DH. With our hearts and minds set on a great trip, we arrived at our destination by car, and hiked a few miles by trail to set up camp at the junction of Reed Creek and the Chattooga.

After setting up camp, the three of us hit the river. Within five minutes, we had all caught nice fish. EZ used a dry fly, Doc employed home-made fly patterns, and I went with a soft hackle wet fly with a orange/brown body. My fly proved to be the ticket - I landed about 20 fish in a matter of hours, while Doc and EZ both managed nice fish as well. Doc hiked downstream to the parking lot to meet up with JZ and KG. We didn't have a watch, and my camera was set on pre-daylight savings time, so while Doc went to the parking lot for an extended wait, EZ and yours truly, The Gubna, became acquainted with Knob Creek and Dale's, and began the traditional ritual of telling each other lies. Doc made it back with KG and JZ around 9 p.m., and after eating supper, dessert, and witnessing some rather humorous visual dramatic performances punctuated by opinions on water filtration techniques and Canadian nationals, we went to sleep ready to tackle the Gorge in the a.m. Although we didn't catch any pigs on Friday, little did we know that Doc would get The Slam in the a.m., EZ would slow-play a nice Brown, and The Gubna would have a close encounter in the spirit of Deliverance. The night ended with a quote from the great philosopher, as stated by Doc: "I'd have to say, today has been a good day."