Tuesday, September 27, 2016

On the Vise: Tying up some Meat!

I went off script, and worked on tying up some articulated streamers last weekend. I didn't have a pattern to imitate or really anything except an image in my head of some type of small bait fish that might attract a spawning brown.  It took me a few attempts to get something resembling what I had in my mind.  This was the first time I had ever tried to stack deer hair, and I have to admit, I love this stuff.  I can't wait to tie up some more and give them a go with the eight weight this fall.  And no, the golf balls are not part of fly!  I wanted to use them to show the length and proportions of the flies.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

On the Vise: Articulated Purple

I finally decided to do it - I tried to tie an articulated streamer. I was tying flies for an upcoming steelhead strip to Oregon, so I thought I would give it a go.  I'm excited to try them out!

On the Vise: Red Headed Step Child of a Half-breed

I was told that a fly called the "half breed" was a good fly to use on the Deschutes River in Oregon.  I looked online and couldn't find a recipe, but I found a picture and did my best, with the materials at hand, to put together something that somewhat resembles the fly.  Again, I was limited by supplies, and no recipe.  At any rate, I kind of like the look of the fly. I'm going to tie up a few more and take them to Oregon and give them a go.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

On the Vise: B&P Hot Bugger

* Hook: TMC 9395 Size 6
* Bead: hot pink 4.8 mm
* Weight: .030 wire 15-20 wraps
* Thread: 140 ultra thread black
* Tail: (a) black strung marabou; (b) purple strung marabou
* Body: Medium black rayon chenille
* Hackle: black strung Chinese
* Rib: blue sparkle braid