Doc and I hit the HI for a short float from Big Bend to Reliance in my canoe on Friday afternoon. Doc threw a fly in at the take-out just as I was pulling into the parking lot, and he proceeded to land a bow. We then drove up to Big Bend, and got the canoe in the water around 2:30. I caught a bow right away. We thought it might be a decent day, but we spent the next 2 plus hours with only one more trout to hand. Unfortunately, this DH is a joke. Unlike GA and NC, Tennessee has decided to use the DH to save money. As a result, they are stocking less than normal. To make matters worse, the fish are standard nine inch trout. Very disappointing. I don't know if we'll be back to the HI for quite a while. We had a good time on the float, but the fishing was awful.